
Manage data, track revisions, and collaborate with PDM software

Vault is product data management (PDM) software that improves productivity. Everyone works from a central source of organized data—collaborating, reducing errors, and saving time.

  • Installs quickly with easy administration
  • Integrates with Autodesk design tools
  • Connects internal and external teams
  • Compares 3D shapes in your extensive database for fast results and duplicates reduction.
  • Vault detects and cleans up unused files that are no longer relevant. Prevents unused files from being released.
[ultimate_exp_section title= »+ Vault Basic » new_title= »- Vault Basic » text_color= »#313b44″ background_color= »#ffffff » text_hovercolor= »#313b44″ title_active= »#ffffff » title_active_bg= »#1268b1″ cnt_bg_color= »#ffffff » title_alignment= »left » heading_style= »font-weight:bold; » title_font_size= »desktop:16px; » title_margin= »margin:0px; » title_padding= »padding:10px; » desc_padding= »padding:10px; »]

Design file management to help you automate data creation and organize documentation. Available with subscription to the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection.

[/ultimate_exp_section][ultimate_exp_section title= »+ Vault Workgroup » new_title= »- Vault Workgroup » text_color= »#313b44″ background_color= »#ffffff » text_hovercolor= »#313b44″ title_active= »#ffffff » title_active_bg= »#1268b1″ cnt_bg_color= »#ffffff » title_alignment= »left » heading_style= »font-weight:bold; » title_font_size= »desktop:16px; » title_margin= »margin:0px; » title_padding= »padding:10px; » desc_padding= »padding:10px; »]

Data management for teams to automate design tasks, enforce standards, and manage revisions.

[/ultimate_exp_section][ultimate_exp_section title= »+ Vault Professional » new_title= »- Vault Professional » text_color= »#313b44″ background_color= »#ffffff » text_hovercolor= »#313b44″ title_active= »#ffffff » title_active_bg= »#1268b1″ cnt_bg_color= »#ffffff » title_alignment= »left » heading_style= »font-weight:bold; » title_font_size= »desktop:16px; » title_margin= »margin:0px; » title_padding= »padding:10px; » desc_margin= »margin:0px; » desc_padding= »padding:10px; »]

Advanced enterprise product data management software that connects distributed teams with multisite collaboration and delivers valuable insights.
