Orientation to the Electrical Productivity Pack: Making Lighting and Power Layouts 10x more efficient in Revit

Nov 17, 2021 @ 13:00:00 to 14:00:00 (60 mins)

Revit is a powerful MEP modeling tool but requires extensive up-front work by savvy users to create useful project templates and content libraries. A fully developed template and family library can require thousands of man-hours to create. CTC’s MEP Productivity Pack for Revit allows firms to skip this labor-intensive process by providing a project template, a sample project, and hundreds of families and workflows created and vetted by multiple industry design professionals and Revit experts. Not only is the MEP¬PP an all-in-one, get-started-now package for firms new to Revit, for established Revit users it provides advanced features created by Revit experts that are found in no other industry product. This webinar is a must-see even for those familiar with the MEP Productivity Pack because electrical content is all new in 2021, with new families, workflows, and features. This webinar will focus primarily on the Electrical portion of the productivity pack.


  • Overview the MEPPP’s electrical features and content, all new in 2021.
  • Demo advanced electrical content and features included in the MEPPP, including:
    • Busway
    • Electrical Equipment and Panel Schedules
    • Automatic Electrical Circuit Sizing
    • “Build-Your-Own-Symbol” Families
    • Hosted and Unhosted Content
    • And More…