  • Common Tech Issue of the Week #3

    Chris Kotyra
    Technical Support at SolidCAD

    Restoring Toolbars in New Versions of AutoCAD


    Although the new type of interface with Ribbons was introduced in AutoCAD 2009 to replace traditional Toolbars, there is still a large number of users who prefer Toolbars.  Until and including AutoCAD 2014 it was very easy to restore them.  All you had to do was to select AutoCAD Classic as the current workspace as seen in figure.

    Things got more complicated starting with AutoCAD 2015.  AutoCAD Classic workspace is no longer available, but luckily for those who prefer Toolbars, they are still included.


    One option is to transfer the AutoCAD Classic workspace from older customization file (ACAD.CUIX) to your current version of AutoCAD:

    1. In your new version of AutoCAD type CUIIMPORT command and press Enter.  The “Customize User Interface” dialogue box will be displayed with “Transfer” tab as current.  The right half of the dialogue box will display the contents of the current version ACAD.CUIX file.
    2. On the left half of the dialogue box, click the “Open customization file” button and select your older version ACAD.CUIX file with “AutoCAD Classic” workspace.
    3. Using your mouse, drag and drop “AutoCAD Classic” workspace from the older-version ACAD.CUIX file on the left to the current version on the right.

    4. Click OK to close the dialogue box
    5. Set “AutoCAD Classic” workspace as current.